Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dear Krimpvarkiez

I'm so sorry that I'm only coming back to you's been a crazy couple of days. But I'm finally getting around to posting the recipe of my Monday night feast:) I made pasta with Philadelphia cheese sauce, peppadews, bacon and red was absolutely divine, so I'm going to share the recipe of the sauce with you. The pasta part is easy, just boil the pasta until el dente:)

Philadelphia cheese sauce with peppadew, bacon and red onion:
- 3/4 block of Philadelphia cheese
- +/- 40ml Milk
- 2TBS Butter
- hand full of chopped peppadews
- bacon(as much as you want)
- Red onions(chopped, as much as you want)

- Cut the cheese into smaller pieces and put it on a low heat in a saucepan adding the milk
and butter.
- Keep stirring until the butter and the cheese have melted, but keep the heat very low,
otherwise it will burn. Add more milk depending on the thickness of sauce you require
- When the sauce is ready, add the chopped peppadew, the cooked bacon and onion, stir
- Add pasta

And Voila! Pasta with Philadelphia cheese sauce, peppadew, bacon and red onion. it's the easiest most divine meal ever. You can also, after having mixed everything add a tad of Parmesan and yummy!




phillygirl said...

That sounds delish!! I may be making that sometime soon ... you know, when I actually end up spending an evening at home ;) tee hee.

Shayne said...

Hi, popped over from Tamara.

I'm going to make this. Tonight. It sounds divine. Am going to get DH to make fresh pasta and i'll do the sauce. YUMMMMY

Thanks for the inspiration as my cooking mojo is seriously missing at the mo.