I didn't actually pay much attention to the mural at first, but something about it kept bothering me, so finally i took a couple of seconds to study it and figure out what was bothering me. And then it occurred to me. It's slightly disturbing really. I couldn't believe my eyes and proceeded to ask most of the people at our table to take a look to see if they saw it too....and without fail everyone had the same reaction, which resulted in all of us collapsing in giggles.
I had to get a picture of course, so that i could include it in this here letter. But, since all the waiters were staring at us and the mural at that stage i bribed my cousin to do the embarrassing job of taking my phone, walking up to the offending image and taking the picture.
I present to you Exhibit A:
I'm not quite sure what i find more disturbing....the fact that the little kid is happily holding on to a penis or the monster staring at it excitedly in the background. Anyway, i just thought I'd point out this little painting mishap to you. Please note that in future I'll be facing the other way when coming for pizza, as no food would be consumed if i actually had to sit right in front of it again.
P.S. Oh, by the way...we aptly nicknamed it "Tollie the Lollie", so don't be surprised if you discover a little bit of graffiti on your wall:)